Brig. Rajan Oberoi
Global Vice Chairman
Brig. Rajan Oberoi serves as the Global Vice Chairman at Tenon Group and oversees all aspects of the various business verticals along with Tenon Group’s long-range development plans. He provides strategic guidance and assists Global Chairman in critical decision-making in regards to business growth and expansion.
Prior to joining Peregrine Guarding, he had a successful career in the Indian Army spanning across 34 years. In the Indian Army, Brig. Oberoi raised the first combat elements of the National Security Guards – The “Black Cats”, and subsequently went on to head this elite counter-terrorist outfit as their “Force Commander”.
Brig. Oberoi’s distinguished services in diverse fields such as counter-terrorism have earned him accolades while in service, including the prestigious President’s Police Medal for Gallantry (PPMG) and a Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM).
The Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) recognised him as a “Commander of the Frontline Warriors” and granted the BADGE OF HONOUR in 2020 as a token of respect and great service rendered to the Motherland, thereby upholding the true traditions of CAPSI.